About Me

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California, United States
Six sisters dedicated to making you beautiful inside and out! We give you our best advice in our individual expertise.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bumble and bumble surf spray

For years our little beach girl, Jonnie, has been using Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray in her hair. Luckily for her, she has naturally wavy hair. All she has to do is let her hair air dry then spray a few pieces for separation and walla, she's a Roxy model. Unfortunately, for me it takes more work to look good. Lately I'm over my two looks... straight or curled. So I've been using Bumble and Bumble Surf spray to achieve my messy cave woman new hair do. First, I blow dry my hair. Then mist the surf spray all over my hair (including my roots). Wait 5 minutes for the product to dry. Tease roots. Messy curl random pieces. Below is the end result.

_Shawna Gurell

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So one of my best friends Montana has the same stomach issues as me. Bloating and pain in our stomachs are something we deal with monthly. Lately, we have been sending each other pictures of our stomachs when they bloat to see which stomach is bigger. We laugh because when we are going through one of our "episodes" we honestly look like two pregnant friends. ha! My friend Alex is convinced I'm going to be on one of those shows "I'm pregnant and I didn't know it," but if that was the case I would have been pregnant since I've been five years old! Anyways, Montana told me to try out acupuncture because her symptoms went down 50% the first time she did it. The next day I found a groupon for $275 for 12 sessions. I was stoked! I did my third session today and I am feeling unbelievable. So far no pain and no bloating! My sisters are so sick of me talking about my Dr. because we have become such best friends. I told him if he helps me I would just die. We even hugged after my session today because we are both so happy I'm feeling good! I will keep you guys updated, but so far I  really feel a difference. If this works I will literally have those acupuncture needles in my body everyday. Wish me luck! :)


Wednesday, August 8, 2012


We had a great day visiting Shawna in LA! We went to this place called Jerry's Deli. Shawna insisted we went there, because I guess it's a famous deli in LA. We were huge women and filled up on curly fries, ranch, and veggie burgers. It was super good and we definitely had to suck in our stomachs the rest of the night! Here's some pics of the day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Twitter and Instagram + Gurell girls= Fun!

We have loved writing our blogs and we have to thank all of you who visit to see what we are up to. I would like to think it is entertaining and it's fun that each of us get to share our thoughts on one website. We finally are getting ourselves more organized and have created a sister Instagram and Twitter account. Follow us and we promise to continue to make you smile. :)

Find us on both Twitter and Instagram @gurellsisters

See you there!

Monday, August 6, 2012


All our life growing up we never wore sunscreen! I know it sounds terrible but everyone knows that you look better with a little color and being white makes you feel and look a little chubbier! We never knew the importance of sunscreen and all the damage that can be done to your skin if you don't protect it. In high school we would spend 8 hours out in the sun lifeguarding at the Vegas pools (funnest job of my life by the way) but little did I know that 10 years later, I would be getting cussed out by my dermatologist. Haha.... not exaggerating!

Two years ago skin cancer was found on my left upper arm. I have two huge scars that prove it! My dermatologist could not believe how young I was. He was NOT nice about it and said my scars would be very unattractive, haha they are! He also told me to quit my job as a PE teacher but didn't seem to offer me his paycheck so don't know how that is possible! Now a week ago I had to get a spot biopsied right in the middle of my forehead (once again not attractive!!) And once again cussed out by the white old man!

 Nowadays I never miss a day without caking on the sunscreen and wearing hats outside. If my whole teaching career goes by and the kids do not learn anything from me, my only hope would be they learn to wear sunscreen at a young age. In New Zealand it is a requirement for every child to wear a hat outside at school. When Carden was here, she would ask where her hat was if it was not on her outside.  They are just so used to it!

My purpose for this post is to not scare the living daylight out of you, but to have everyone be aware how important it is to protect your skin! My dermatologist told me that all sun screens are pretty standard. You don't have to spend a lot of money on special ones. They all work the same. Here are a few of my favorite sunscreens that are great for everyday....

Body: Hawaiian Tropic- Smells so good and is not greasy!

Face: Has zinc oxide for extra protection. Is a little thick at first but once you rub it in it's fine and you know it's doing it's job!
