We have had so much fun lately in their dog training classes at Whole Dog Sports. Just call me Cesar Millan... Both already graduated from the Modern Manners class believe it or not! Brick was the Super Star in the class and the teacher's pet. He loves school and wants to be the demonstater for everything! Breeze is typical and hates her teacher and only wants to do things if it is her idea.
A few weeks ago we started the Beginning Agility class. Before the first class we thought there was NO way they were going to be able to do any of that crazy stuff. Walking beams, jumping hurdles, climbing planks, tunnels...It is unbelievable how fast they have learned and how good they are! Our cheerleading days our coming back to us as we scream, clap, and practically toe touch when they do a good stunt!
Bethany is now in the obedience classes too. The untrainable Beth Gurell is starting to come around, although I don't think she has listened once. haha
If you are in the North County area, check out Wholedogsports.com. Our trainer Lyssa has been great, and the pups absolutely love it!