About Me

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California, United States
Six sisters dedicated to making you beautiful inside and out! We give you our best advice in our individual expertise.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meet the Gurell Girls...

Hey everyone! We hope you will enjoy our blog! We will be posting daily advice on beauty tips, fashion, health and fitness, new products and trends we love and new exciting things going in our crazy family!  For those of you that don't know us, we are six sisters between the ages of 31-23 and we are all best friends, yet of course we have gotten into our share of pulling hair fights. We are are so similar yet so different. We each have our own interests, personalities and talents which will all be shared on this blog. Sit back, relax, have a beer and enjoy the show!

Marleau-The Oldest (age 31)

Being the oldest of six girls, Marleau has no choice but to be the bossy and mature sister who half the time is appalled by her sister's behaviors while the other half of the time joins in the craziness. She has no problem putting people in their place, but can also be light hearted and silly. She is very smart and a teacher by nature!
Summer (age 30)

Summer is the sweet, innocent, and most trusting of the sisters, yet has the nickname "Ferris Bueller" because is very undercover. She is always smiling, laughing, and looking for a good time. Often, she makes the rest of the girls laugh due to her lack of common sense and there's never a dull moment when she's around. Summer is always on the go, whether she's running a marathon or finding a place to bust out a handstand.

Shawna (age 28)

Shawna is the protector of the pack.The girls nicknamed her "the wolf" at a young age because if you mess with her family she will stand up to you without fear. She has a amazing heart but is also opinionated so you better not cross her! She lives in LA and is a  trained beauty expert in hair, make up and skincare. She has more products then Bloomingdales and there is no beauty product that she has not tried.

Autumn (age 27)

Autumn is the down to earth naturalist. She is always talking about organic this, organic that, and she won't even use a microwave. She has traveled the world and now she is currently living in New Zealand with her handsome husband and two beautiful daughters, Carden and Eden (of course, 2 girls!).  It is so hard having her so far away, as we do not feel complete unless all six of us are together!

Sunny (age 25)

Sunny is the comedian of the family and everybody loves to see what she is going to say next.  She over thinks every thing and can kill herself with guilt over nothing.  She is loyal, sensitive, and has a heart of gold.  Sunny is always up to date on the latest fashion trends and home decor.

Jonnie (age 23)

After trying 6 times for a boy, our parents finally gave up and gave her a boys name and named her Jonnie, after our dad.  She is the typical baby of the family and gets away with murder.  She is an easy-going hippie chick that would be perfectly happy living in a tent on the beach.  She has a passion for all animals and likes them way more then she likes people!

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