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California, United States
Six sisters dedicated to making you beautiful inside and out! We give you our best advice in our individual expertise.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Gurell Girls Favorite Work Outs

Growing up, my parents had us in every activity there could be. When we were young our day consisted of school, gymnastics, dance,  piano and tennis. In junior high, it then was school, cheer, swimming, dance, gym, synchronize swimming, diving, competitive cheer, and even Irish dance. In High School, Marleau started cheerleading and then we all followed in her footsteps!
After High School, I didn't know what to do with myself because all these sports came to an end. I then got  into turbo kickboxing at 24 hour fitness. It reminds me of cheerleading in a way and I feel like it's the most fun workout there is! I would do it everyday if I could, but since I am so short I worry about getting bulky and would end up looking like Ronnie or Snookie, so I try to stick to once or twice a week! I recently got into hip hop hustle and it's so fun!! I recommend all you ex cheerleaders to try it out..it's so fun! For anyone who wants a variety of workouts and is on a tight budget, 24 hour fitness is the way to go! Jonnie and I switch out our workouts daily with Pilates, yoga, kickboxing, and hip hop. You really never get bored of the same work out!
Shawna recently started pole dancing! ha! Not real pole dancing, but pole dancing in an actual studio. Even though its pricey, she definitely thinks it's worth the money.
Marleau likes to stick to walks on the beach and finds cool trails to take Mako on. She is super into Wii Fit too! Her Wii dancing is unbelievable..we're actually pretty jealous of her moves.
Autumn likes to walk with the girls, but who wouldn't living in beautiful New Zealand?
Summer is our work out girl! She knows so much about fitness and healthy eating. She will run a marathon without even training. She runs long distance and does hot yoga. She is definitely the most in shape and we pretty much just copy what she eats since she knows so much and has the perfect body!
We all have different interests in our workout routines and we like to stick with what we like to do! I encourage everyone to find a workout they actually like to do, so it does not feel like a chore. Whether its yoga, kickboxing, running, or walking... anything is great! Not that we are the most in shape people, but we do like to keep active.

Here's some videos of Jonnie and my fav 24 hour workouts!




<3 Sunny

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