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California, United States
Six sisters dedicated to making you beautiful inside and out! We give you our best advice in our individual expertise.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Self Health Revolution by J. Michael Zenn

If you want to start living a healthy life style, but do not know where to begin you need to read The Self Health Revolution by J. Michael Zenn. All of my sisters and I read it in just a few days. Everything he talks about in his book I strongly agree with. It is a great guide in improving your health and life. This book will change your view on food for life. He believes that you are what you eat, so by consuming "fake food" you are pretty much putting posion into your body, which we all are guilty of. He helps you to make positive changes in your life by giving you tips in choosing the right foods when grocery shopping or going out to eat. These are some valuable facts I got from the book. There is way too many to list, so I recommend you to buy the book and read it from start to finish.

1.) Read labels when you are at the grocery store. If you don't know what the stuff is in the package, don't buy it because it probably isn't good for you.
2.) Modern medicine is not going to save you from diseases and death. You can help yourself by feeding your body the right food (which he explains in the book).
3.) Be careful what you are putting in your body. The FDA, doctors, and drug companies may say something is good for you, when it is not.
4.) When choosing fruits and veggies try to get organic. Also it is super important when buying meat, chicken, beef, eggs to make sure it is free ranged. You will be shocked to hear how animals are treated before they are killed. They are injected with growth hormones which we are consuming. Plus why would anyone want to support companies who make innocent animals suffer.
5.) Avoid high fructose corn syrup, fake sugar, tap water.   
6.) It is super important to fill your diet with Omega- 3, probiotics, digestive enzymes, protein, fruits, vegetables and oils. 
7.) Foods such as cauliflower, berries, tomatoes, herbs and spices, green tea, leafy greens, etc can actually be medicine for your body and will keep you from getting sick. 
8.) He explains that what you put on your skin you are actually eating because it absorbs into your body. Use natural products that you could eat and be fine like chamomile, lavender, rosemary, or lemon. 
9.) In his book he gives you a Self Health smoothie and salad recipe that he believes you should consume everyday.
10.) Drink tea and water through out the day.

J. Michael Zenn has started a skin care line called Face Food. I was lucky enough to try a 10 day trial of the product and I love it! It is organic and 100% plant based. It is filled with antitoxins. I have been on the trial for 7 days my skin looks more clear then ever. Check out his Facebook for more details...J. Michael Zenn.

Sunny : ) 

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